
Weekend selection - July 12th 2019

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New week, new weekend selection:

Shoelace: The new social network of Google!

Original title: "Google lance un nouveau réseau social : Shoelace" – Blog du Modérateur

Informations : French, Social Media, 11/12/2019

Even if it failed with Google+, Google doesn't admit defeat and launched a new social network: Shoelace! What is it for? It's "To meet people with common interests" ... Come on, give it a chance, say hello to the newbie ... ;-)

11 tools to help you create your own fonts!

Original title: "11 outils pour créer vos propres polices d'écriture" – Blog du Webdesign

Informations : French, Design, 11/12/2019

It's sometimes tiring to browse endless lists of fonts for a graphic identity ... Perhaps you've already wanted to start creating your own without knowing how to do it? It's possible ! There are several tools to help you build it your way! (careful, some are not free ...)

A minimalist social strategy for small businesses

Original title: "A Minimalist Social Strategy for Small Business Owners" – Hootsuite

Informations : English, Social Media, 10/12/2019

You are a small company? You don't have much time to build a good social strategy? Here are some tips for developing a small (but powerful) strategy on social networks. Worth taking :-)

How to create engagement on Facebook without using paid ads

Original title: "How to Drive Engagement on Facebook Without Paid Ads" – SocialMediaToday

Informations : English, Social media, 10/12/2019

We all seek the solution to drive engagement on our Facebook community... Advertising is the easy way but there are methods to generate commitment without spending a coin. Check out these tips ...

How to deindex effectively Google's web pages and files in 2019?

Original title: "Comment désindexer efficacement des pages web et fichiers (pdf, images) de Google en 2019 ?" - LePtiDigital

Informations : French, SEO, 09/12/2019

It's true that in general, we tend to look how to index a page ... But when a site is in construction, or when we would like to hide a page or a document, sometimes we want to do the opposite. Google has just announced the removal of one of the commonly used deindexing methods ... Here are some alternatives!

Sélection du weekend - 12/07

It's nice to talk about deindexing, but do you know how to perfect your SEO and correctly index your website? Stay tuned of our next article ... (A clue: We'll talk about meta!)

If you have questions, reactions or comments to share with us, do not hesitate to join our Facebook page to communicate them to us!

Happy reading and very good weekend!