The weather is beautiful, the sky is blue... nothing's better like a little reading to relax and update yourself on the digital news. Here is our selection for this weekend:
- A year later, Facebook Ads reintroduces the range estimate of custom audiences
- How to prevent the tracking of your emails
- Instagram use by marketing professionals, trend tool 2019
- "Zero click" trend, 49% of users no longer click on search results
- Guide to optimize the images of your website
A year later, Facebook Ads allows again to see the range estimate of custom audiences
Original title: "Facebook Ads réintroduit la portée estimée des Custom Audiences" – Arobasenet
Informations : French, Social Media, 03/07/2019
It has been a year since Facebook Ads had removed this function but it has just decided to put it back: We now have the possibility to see the range estimate of custom audiences, again. Facebook has made some changes to improve the security of its privacy-focused based on : confidentiality - detection - new restrictions.
How to prevent the tracking of your email ?
Original title: "How to stop your emails from being tracked" – The Verge
Informations : English, Google, 03/07/2019
Do you know that small pixel trackers can be hidden in the attached images of your emails? To avoid being tracked, start by disabling the automatic loading of images into your email account! Go see the procedure that interests you ...
Instagram use by marketers in 2019
Original title: "The state of Instagram Marketing 2019 - Part 1 : Current use of Instagram by Marketers" – Social Media Today
Informations : English, Social Media, 24/06/2019
With a skyrocketing, Instagram becomes THE social network to have to be known! The use of stories is particularly appreciated by marketing professionals, as well as ads and highlights stories. Maybe it's time to get started?
"Zero click" trend: searches stop when reading results
Original title: "Google : la tendance "zéro clic" se confirme, 49% des recherches s'arrêtent à la lecture des résultats" – Blog du Modérateur
Informations : French, Google, 20/06/2019
We don't stop the progress: almost the majority of Internet users stop their research at the reading of google results without even clicking on the corresponding links ... It will take a cunning way to get users to click again ... An idea ?
Guide to help you optimize your images on your site
Original title: "The Ultimate Guide to Image Optimization" - Wpmudev
Informations : English, Wordpress, 31/05/2019
To improve your SEO, your loading time, the user experience of your website ... Optimizing the images on your site can make all the difference! This little guide takes stock of the steps to be done to be on top!

Have you seen our last article? It gives you all the secrets to track the activity of your users :-) Go quickly consult it!
If you have questions, reactions or comments to share with us, do not hesitate to join our Facebook page to communicate them to us!
Happy reading and very good weekend!