
Weekend selection - May 4th

Banner : weekend selection 04/05

This week, find out about: 

  • 4 things to avoid bad online advertising
  • Why Twitter will not delete Donald Trump's account (despite his several terms and conditions infringements) 
  • 8 issues that might damage your content marketing
  • A Samsung app to monitor the way your kids use their smartphones
  • 4 tips to standardize your brand on social networks

4 tips to avoid bad online advertising

Original title: "4 choses à savoir pour éviter la mauvaise publicité en ligne" – Limeblogue

Information: French, Online advertising, 21/04/2017

Online advertising gets easier and easier, but being easy does not mean being efficient ! This article helps you avoid simple mistakes to boost your advertising campaigns ! 

Twitter & Trump : a love-hate story

Original title: "Twitter explique pourquoi il ne supprimera pas le compte de Donald Trump" – Presse Citron

Information: French, Social networks, 27/04/2017

It is well known that Trump is a big Twitter-user that does not hesitate to infringe the platform's rules. This article enlightens why Twitter accepts all that. 

Learn more about what could damage your content marketing

Original title: "8 technical issues holding your content back" – Search Engine Watch

Information: English, Content marketing, 01/05/2017

Your website content has become the finest weapon for your visibility ! This article helps you go further, by giving you leads about what could harm your progress ! 

Samsung designed an app so parents can see how their children behave on smartphones

Original title: "Samsung Marshmallow : une application pour responsabiliser les enfants et leurs smartphones" – le Siècle Digital

Information: French, Useful app, 03/05/2017

Today, more and more children have access to a smartphone, even to their smartphone, and Samsung launched an app to help parents monitor this use. 

Learn how to unite your brand image across platforms!

Original title: "4 tips to keep your brand coherent across platforms" - Social Media Today

Information: English, Social networks, 04/05/2017

In line with our blog articles about social networks, this one gives 4 simple tips to help your get easily identifiable on all the platforms you have a professional page.  

Sélection d'articles du weekend - 04/05

We hope that these reading suggestions will please you!

If you have any questions, feedback or comments to share with us, please feel free to join our Facebook page to let us know!

Have a nice reading and an amazing weekend !