Here's what we read for you this week:
- Facebook faces the GDPR trial against an Austrian privacy activist
- Facebook will pay its users to keep their personal informations
- No more than 2 appearances on the first page of Google search for the same domain name.
- Instagram: How to choose between the Newsfeed or the Story?
- Apple announces the end of its iTunes software
5 years later, Facebook faces the RGPD lawsuit against an Austrian privacy activist
Original title : "Facebook finally faces GDPR lawsuit after getting shot down in Austrian court" – The Next Web
Informations : English, Social Media, 05/06/2019
Five years after being summoned by the Austrian courts, Facebook is finally facing Max Schrem, an Austrian privacy activist who launched a class action lawsuit on behalf of 25,000 Facebook users. A new case that should push Facebook to review its business model for privacy and personal data ...
Facebook is ready to pay its users to keep their personal informations
Original title: "Facebook va payer ses utilisateurs pour conserver leurs informations" – Arobasenet
Informations : French, Social Media, 12/06/2019
You don't believe in it ? And yet ... After all the scandals it's faced with personal data, Facebook is now ready to pay the users who will install the Study app (which gives it permission to collect their personal data) to reward them for participating in the program. At least we get a little control over our data on Facebook, and that's pretty great.
No more than 2 appearances of the same domain name on the first page of Google
Original title : "La visibilité des noms de domaines est désormais limitée à deux résultats sur la première page de Google !" – Le Pti Digital
Informations : French, SEO, 11/06/2019
Annoying to see multiple results from the same domain name when doing a Google search? From now on, diversity is the watchword! Only two appearances of the same domain name will appear in the first Google search page. Research will only be more enjoyable.
Instagram: News feed or Story, how to choose what to post and where
Original title : "Instagram Stories vs. Instagram Feed: What to Post and Where " – Social Media Today
Informations : English, Social Media, 06/06/2019
Maybe you sometimes wonder : is this information better in story or published on my news feed? It's hard to understand how Instagram works. This little infographic gives you the cards to not have to ask you the question again!
Apple announces the end of its iTunes software
Original title : "Fin du logiciel iTunes d'Apple" - Journal Métro
Informations : French, Techno, 03/06/2019
You've always known it ... iTunes, the famous multimedia software from Apple bows out to make room for more fluid, more modern and especially focused on streaming applications : Apple TV, Apple Music and Apple Podcast.

Various articles with a slight zoom on the case of Facebook this week. Who would have thought it would have been able to get hold of the wallet to continue to collect the personal information of his users?
By talking about personal information, have you read our article on domain name protection? You will find some very interesting informations to help you protect yourself for sure !
If you have questions, reactions or comments to share with us, don't hesitate to join our Facebook page to communicate them to us!
Enjoy your reading and mostly, enjoy your Weekend !