
Weekend selection - August 23rd 2019

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Do you need to update yourself on the digital news? Here is our Weekend Selection!

YouTube will close its direct messaging

Original title: "YouTube va fermer sa messagerie directe" – 01 Net

Informations : French, Social media, 22/08/2019

After 2 years of testing, YouTube has finally decided to close its instant messenger which has not been a great success. Why? We let you discover.

Video: what strategy to adopt for your brand?

Original title: "Vidéo: quelle stratégie adopter pour les marques?" – Blog du Modérateur

Informations : French, Strategy, 22/08/2019

Video has become the tool of choice in our world of images. But it takes time, skills and above all a good strategy. Thanks to the analysis of Henri Griesmar, video creation specialist, you will be up to date on all trends and tips for your branded video strategy! Moreover, to build your YouTube strategy, stay tuned for our future article How to use YouTube when you're a professional!

12 Dos and Don'ts for a successful Marketing Strategy

Original title: "Social Media Etiquette: 12 Dos and Don'ts for a Successful Marketing Strategy [Infographic]" – Social Media Today

Informations : English, Strategy, 15/08/2019

Do you want to improve your strategy on social networks? Here's a little infographic with 12 dos and don'ts to guarantee you success! And guess what? We even have a little guide on the subject that will help you build a perfect social strategy, it's here :-)!

Facebook campaign budget optimization: prepare yourself for September 1st

Original title: "Facebook campaign budget optimization: How marketers must prepare for September 1, 2019" – Search Engine Watch

Informations : English, Social media, 14/08/2019

If you are an inveterate user of Facebook Ads Manager, this article is for you! All of your advertising campaigns will have to have an optimization of the campaign budget starting 01 September 2019 (even for your existing campaigns). Fewer things to manage, a better return on advertising expenses ... we let you discover the other benefits.

Choosing your favorite Google domain: with or without www.?

Original title: "Comment choisir son domaine favori dans Google (sans Search Console)?" – Search Engine Watch

Informations : French, Google, 01/07/2019

Google will remove the "favorite domain" selection feature from the new Search Console. What does it involve? You will not be able to choose if you want to display the www. for your site in the search results. Google will make the choice for you, and this, for the purpose of preventing double appearances. Read the article for more information!

Sélection du weekend - 16/08

You are up to date!

It's true that we see a lot of videos circulating on our social networks, and it works well! So why not for you? We'll have an article soon to help you build a video strategy on YouTube with a professional channel! Stay alert :-)

If you have questions, reactions or comments to share with us, join our Facebook page to share them with us!

Good reading :-)