
Latest technology news February 1st, 2022

Latest technology news

8P-Design presents its selection of articles on the latest digital news:

Actualités technologiques du moment

Why not to trust browsers with your passwords

Saving passwords in web browsers is a reflex that many people have. However, this is not the safest solution to protect your passwords. This is because browsers are not well equipped in terms of protection, especially when it comes to hackers. It is for this reason that it is advisable to use a tool to save these passwords, instead of automatically saving in the browser.

Check out the full Blog du Modérateur post for tips on how to protect your data!

Original title: Mots de passe : pourquoi faut-il éviter de les enregistrer sur votre navigateur web - Blog du Modérateur
Informations: French, Cybersecurity, January 28th, 2022

Facebook Messenger announces a shower of new features for its secure version

Few people are aware, but Facebook has offered a secure version of Messenger for a few years. However, the secure version did not have all the features, so it was not convenient for users to use the secure version.

This is why Facebook is announcing that the secure version of Messenger will receive several new features in the coming weeks. For example, it will now be possible to be notified when someone takes a screenshot of the conversation.

To find out more about these new features, see the Presse Citron article

Original title: Facebook Messenger annonce une pluie de nouveautés pour sa version sécurisée - Presse Citron
Informations: French, Messenger, January 28th, 2022

12 SEO tools for your business

We all know that it's essential to have good SEO so that as many people as possible click on a website. However, it's easy to get lost in all the advice and tools available to improve your SEO.

It's for this reason that Social Media Today have created a list of 12 tools to help your business have a good SEO in 2022. To see the complete list of tools, check out the article from Social Media Today. 

Titre original: 12 Helpful SEO Tools for Your Brand in 2022 [Infographic] - Social Media Today 
Informations: Anglais, SEO, January 22nd, 2022

Young French people, unsuspected victims of digital poverty

Since young people these days are born with access to technology, we often take it for granted that they are knowledgeable and that keeping up to date on new technologies is not a problem. However, some young French people do not have the necessary digital skills. Indeed, one in five young French people has a digital disability, which gives them less access to certain jobs.

To find out more about this digital insecurity, see the article in Le Monde.

Original title: Les jeunes Français, victimes insoupçonnées de la précarité numérique - Le Monde
Informations: French, Digital poverty, January 28th, 2022

LinkedIn continues to grow with engagement records

LinkedIn continues to break engagement records in 2022. Thanks to their numerous advertisements, LinkedIn has managed to increase its revenue by 36% in 2021. This is also partly thanks to their new event organization feature. Their Marketplace section has also helped over 3 million freelancers find contracts.

For more on how LinkedIn is changing in 2021, check out Social Media Today's full article.

Original title:  LinkedIn Continues to see 'Record Levels' of Engagement, Sales Solutions Reaches $1 billion in Revenue - Social Media Today
Informations: English, LinkedIn, January 26th, 2022

Actualités technologiques du moment

You're up to date!

New tools to make our life easier, good little advice to improve performance ... That's all you need to calmly tackle a project and ensure success in your digital strategies! If you need a little help: Do not hesitate to contact us and come and discuss your project with us, we are overflowing with all kinds of ideas!

If you have any questions, reactions or comments to share with us, join our Facebook page to let us know!

Good reading :-)