Hey, how is your summer? Did you have time to update yourself on digital news? This is the occasion with our new selection!
- Huawei is building its own "Google Maps" app
- Facebook simplifies group privacy settings
- Instagram opens access to its custom filter creation platform
- Facebook shares some Messenger private conversations with subcontractors
- Twitter test an innovation: subjects tracking rather than following user accounts
Huawei is building its own "Google Maps" app
Original title: "Huawei is building its own Google Maps (and Yandex and Booking.com are already on board)" – TheNextWeb
Informations : English, Apps, 15/08/2019
Novelty about the Huawei case who is at the heart of the news since its affair with the United States that prevents it from accessing the operating system of google for instance. After announcing the construction of its own operating system called HarmonyOS, the Chinese giant has set up its own system of catography named Map Kit that has already conquered users.
Facebook simplifies group privacy settings
Original title: "Facebook Simplifies Group Privacy Settings to Clarify Exposure" – Social Media Today
Informations : English, Social Media, 15/08/2019
After all its scandals about the personal data of its users, Facebook has decided to emphasize on the security of data and focus on the system of privacy of groups. No more huge, unclear board explaining who sees what. We can now easily control the privacy of a group in no time at all!
Instagram opens access to its custom filter creation platform
Original title: "Instagram : Spark AR, la plateforme de création de filtres ouverte à tous" - Blog du Modérateur
Informations : French, Social Media, 14/08/2019
The Spark AR platform now gives you the ability to create your own augmented reality filters on Instagram! The innovation? You did not have access before today ;-)
Facebook shares some Messenger private conversations with subcontractors
Original title: "Facebook a aussi fait écouter les conversations des utilisateurs de Messenger à des sous-traitants" – Blog du Modérateur
Informations : French, Social Media, 14/08/2019
After the confession of Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft, Facebook also admits that it makes listen to voice messages from Messenger to subcontractors to improve its voice recognition system ... Another respect problem about personal data which should not play in his favor ...
Twitter test an innovation: subjects tracking rather than following user accounts
Original title: "Twitter tests letting users follow topics in the same way they follow accounts" – The Verge
Informations : English, Social Media, 13/08/2019
Until now, you could only follow user accounts which tended to tweet about topics that interested us. Soon, it will be possible to follow specific interests and topics chosen by Twitter (it's kind of like the tracking of # that we can find on Instagram). Still in development, we only can follow topics related to sport for the moment but be patient ...

You are updated!
Well, we talk a lot about social networks this week, some flats for Facebook but nice news that we can't wait to try on Instagram and Twitter! We also had novelty on the Huawei case which is rather difficult to follow ... To better understand, would you like an article on the subject?
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Good reading :-)